Wednesday, July 29, 2009

WTF mate

Seriously why doesn't the gym here have a sauna or hot tub? For the ridiculous membership fee it really should...This comes as a huge disappointment.

On a lighter note today is my first Terrorism lecture. Couldn't be more excited about that, especially because I know some cool kids are in the class with me.

Last night was pay the time at Turf Pub for dinner. For $5.10 I got a decent buttered chicken meal and spent a good two to three hours kicking it with friends and making some new friends.

I've already found some great places to run. The Princes Park and Royal Park are my personal favorites but when I'm only up for a short 30 min run or so I run from the village around the Uni perimeter and back. Most of the people here seem to keep fit-I have yet to be the only one running around a park or the Uni when I'm out.

Tonight is the pub crawl. I really should let my body rest but the first week of classes is over and I have a free day Friday. Circumstance is conspiring against me to exacerbate my alcoholic tendencies. Surprise Surprise.

I've made a solid crew of friends thus far. Saturday the Swedish guys are throwing a bash at their new house that I can't miss for the world. Tuesday we went out for Chris' birthday to Turf then Eurotrash, a rather exciting but expensive bar. Two shots of Jaeger for the birthday boy and myself ran me $18.00. Completely worth it regardless. I've bonded well with the Europeans, Canadians, and Americans. I find my Italian friend Matteo to be the most entertaining person, and he and I can carry on conversations about music, the arts, women, etc etc until one of us has a class or engagement.

I can't believe how easy the Australian banking system is to use. Everyone is so friendly. Perhaps I simply nail the role of a young confused American male and they take pity on me. Regardless of rhyme or reason I will dread going back and dealing with BoA upon my return.

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