Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Byron Bay Week 1 Update

Well we're a week into our trip in Byron Bay. The surf has been great, the weather even greater, and the atmosphere at our hostel even greater still. The Arts Factory, as its called, is truly an amazing and unique place. I can't tell you how happy I am. Good friends and scenery make it all the more better, and I'm meeting a ton of new traveling people. Most of them are Europeans, and their friendliess and surprise at meeting Americans is refreshing to say the least. Rather than lose myself in self righteous reverie, however, I will simply accept that I'm happy and this is an experience that has truly been unforgettable. I'm running out of time on my timed internet thing so I'll have to hit you with a proper update in a week once I return to Melbourne.

Take it sleazy.


Monday, September 14, 2009

So much fun on my mind it's all I remember

Sorry I haven't been updating at all, mom. I know I'm bad about calling as well, but you haven't figured out a way to call me so I don't feel so bad. I am calling you now...

In other news I bought an authentic Australian Crocodile Dundee hat at the QVM. I'm a tool, I know...but I'm gonna need some serious sun protection for two weeks in the gold coast. I'm about 500 words from completing my Terrorism essay and it's no sweat seeing as 200 words alone are a conclusion.

The past week was pretty solid. We had the MUSEX booze cruise, which featured a ton of drinking at an open bar and pizza whilst floating down the Yarra river. I can't say I recall the finer details but a great time was had by all and I found out I was attending the day of, so I threw together a Mad Hatter outfit as quickly as I could. It turned out looking slightly like Willy Wonka but whatever. Here's a shot (from left) of Castille, Miranda, myself, and Christina.
Thursday and the weekend continued and I spent all of my time either writing papers, blowing off steam with the guys around the village, or going to Bimbo's on Brunswick to get the $4 pizza deals. Probably my favorite place to eat here, certainly the cheapest, and I vow to try every pizza on the menu before I leave. I've got two months and I'm well into the menu so I think I can make that happen.

On Sunday Emmi was nice enough to cook for me and she cooked me a traditional Scandinavian combo, meatballs with some sort of amazing sauce and mashed potatoes. I wasn't sure how I'd like meatballs and mashed potatoes together regardless of the fact that I like both but I really enjoyed it. I'm going to have her make it again, but first I'm going to see how she likes my fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp...that's right I've still got that Ace up my sleeve. She even brought two cupcakes for dessert. What a sweetheart. For you, mom, here is a picture of us that night. Notice neither of us are smiling because we don't really even like each other that much...

...Okay so maybe I'm kidding.

I'm no longer able to remain warm with my own body heat. It's becoming a problem. I'm going to have to start doing work during the days and packing my stuff for class when I spend the night elsewhere (Unilodge, which is actually closer to campus, anyway), so that I can make it to class in time. Whatever.

Tomorrow I'm off to the Gold Coast-Byron Bay and Surfer's Paradise-for the next two weeks. I am so fucking excited!!!! Tonight is the last Taco Tuesday for a while, and the last of September, so it's gonna be epic. HUGE things in Room 2 tonight. I'd like to take this time to give a shoutout to my roommate, Ben Freeman. Lots of love for the guy for being a phenomenal dude and a stand up roommate. Cheers to you.

I'll hit you with an update when I return. Peace E-Z.

D Rose

Sunday, September 6, 2009

River Picture

The Yarra just off of Swanston St. Beautiful Saturday afternoon September 5th, 2009. If only I could hold this moment, kept away from everyone else...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Good, the True, the Pure, the Beautiful

This week may have been the best yet. On Tuesday I had my American Psycho presentation. Three of us were presenting so we had to keep it to five minutes. Since I'd prepared a fifteen minute presentation I had no problem talking quickly and succinctly and made my points before the class knew what hit them. The tutor said I did great and proceeded to ask me a few questions about America, Neoliberalism, and how I like the states. I think they just liked my American accent, but at any rate I'll take what I can get. That's one major assignment done with, and I'm nearly certain I got a high mark.

Wednesday was great since I spent the evening at a park with a special someone. Afterward we went to my room to watch The Simpsons and other stupid shows until the time came for me to walk her home.

Wednesday faded into Thursday and I had what would be one of the greatest days I've had in quite some time. I'll keep the details to a minimum on that but I finished my Australia Now essay and had a great night, and made it in bed early enough to ensure a good surf day on Friday.

Friday we went out to Torquay. The surf was perfect! Great sets, small waves, clean breaks, and light rain. Here's a shot of the northern shoreline. If you paddle out just south of the rocks you can get behind the waves and the current will carry you down the shoreline. For a few of the sets we had a good five to ten minute intermission between them. During the calms, I sat there in reverie floating on my board thinking about how lucky I was to be here in Australia, spending Fridays surfing every week, battling the beautiful sapphire waves the ocean breathed into me, feeling the salty spray of seawater on my face and tasting it on my lips. I thought back to where it all began in my hometown. I never dreamed I'd be down here so far from what was once my entire life as I knew it, living at the edge of the earth before I saw a day past two decades. I think a bit harder and realize it's all thanks to my parents. They always valued my education over anything. At the time I hated it-towards the end of high school at the Albuquerque Academy I couldn't have been more apathetic at times, but I realize now that this is where it all pays off. This is what I put the hard work and long hours in for-so that I could transcend the small world most are left within, for better or for worse. So I thank you, mom and dad, for showing me the path to the good, the true, the pure, and the beautiful. I'm trying more and more to find a deeper meaning in my life and not conform to the thinking plaguing most Americans that leads them to believe that acquiring capital is the only way to be happy. Sometimes it's like a sick joke-the better educated you are the more you look for in your life. The more it takes to make you happy. Money isn't enough-better yet, money isn't even what I want, it's no longer an end or a goal. The more philosophy I dig up and the more I take from great minds the more I learn about the world around me. I'm trying to figure out how to find beauty and harmony in everything I do, with every being I interact with, and I feel as though living in a city as international as Melbourne, by befriending European and Asian peers, by dating and becoming more close to a Scandinavian girl than I ever imagined I would, that I'm on the right path. Each day I learn more and meet great new people and I have so much more to learn but I couldn't have come close to where I am now if I didn't have your support. Thanks for everything; you know how much this means.

Today is Sunday and we went to the Queen Vic Market to buy some foodstuffs. I gotta say it is still probably the greatest place ever. Imagine a mixture between flea markets, live animal sales, the largest selection of farmer's produce, a butcher shop, and a fish market. Above see Chris surveying the scene at a fruits stand. Below is the indoor meat section, where they sell bascially any cut of meat from any animal you could want by the kilo. If you go at the right time they will cut the prices drastically, and sometimes you can even haggle. It's awesome.

Finally here's a shot of me at the Torquay surf academy where they let us borrow the lockers, change, and use the showers for free. Great guys. Here I am with my new girlfriend proving that I'm still young at heart and quite boyish underneath everything. And no, mom, this isn't the board I bought, so don't worry...

I went to the river yesterday (Saturday) with Emmi and I'll throw up a picture or two in the next update. She has my camera right now (I left it in her purse), so until I get that back I can't hope to post you any pictures. Until next time my friends.