Monday, September 14, 2009

So much fun on my mind it's all I remember

Sorry I haven't been updating at all, mom. I know I'm bad about calling as well, but you haven't figured out a way to call me so I don't feel so bad. I am calling you now...

In other news I bought an authentic Australian Crocodile Dundee hat at the QVM. I'm a tool, I know...but I'm gonna need some serious sun protection for two weeks in the gold coast. I'm about 500 words from completing my Terrorism essay and it's no sweat seeing as 200 words alone are a conclusion.

The past week was pretty solid. We had the MUSEX booze cruise, which featured a ton of drinking at an open bar and pizza whilst floating down the Yarra river. I can't say I recall the finer details but a great time was had by all and I found out I was attending the day of, so I threw together a Mad Hatter outfit as quickly as I could. It turned out looking slightly like Willy Wonka but whatever. Here's a shot (from left) of Castille, Miranda, myself, and Christina.
Thursday and the weekend continued and I spent all of my time either writing papers, blowing off steam with the guys around the village, or going to Bimbo's on Brunswick to get the $4 pizza deals. Probably my favorite place to eat here, certainly the cheapest, and I vow to try every pizza on the menu before I leave. I've got two months and I'm well into the menu so I think I can make that happen.

On Sunday Emmi was nice enough to cook for me and she cooked me a traditional Scandinavian combo, meatballs with some sort of amazing sauce and mashed potatoes. I wasn't sure how I'd like meatballs and mashed potatoes together regardless of the fact that I like both but I really enjoyed it. I'm going to have her make it again, but first I'm going to see how she likes my fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp...that's right I've still got that Ace up my sleeve. She even brought two cupcakes for dessert. What a sweetheart. For you, mom, here is a picture of us that night. Notice neither of us are smiling because we don't really even like each other that much...

...Okay so maybe I'm kidding.

I'm no longer able to remain warm with my own body heat. It's becoming a problem. I'm going to have to start doing work during the days and packing my stuff for class when I spend the night elsewhere (Unilodge, which is actually closer to campus, anyway), so that I can make it to class in time. Whatever.

Tomorrow I'm off to the Gold Coast-Byron Bay and Surfer's Paradise-for the next two weeks. I am so fucking excited!!!! Tonight is the last Taco Tuesday for a while, and the last of September, so it's gonna be epic. HUGE things in Room 2 tonight. I'd like to take this time to give a shoutout to my roommate, Ben Freeman. Lots of love for the guy for being a phenomenal dude and a stand up roommate. Cheers to you.

I'll hit you with an update when I return. Peace E-Z.

D Rose

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