Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Byron Bay Week 1 Update

Well we're a week into our trip in Byron Bay. The surf has been great, the weather even greater, and the atmosphere at our hostel even greater still. The Arts Factory, as its called, is truly an amazing and unique place. I can't tell you how happy I am. Good friends and scenery make it all the more better, and I'm meeting a ton of new traveling people. Most of them are Europeans, and their friendliess and surprise at meeting Americans is refreshing to say the least. Rather than lose myself in self righteous reverie, however, I will simply accept that I'm happy and this is an experience that has truly been unforgettable. I'm running out of time on my timed internet thing so I'll have to hit you with a proper update in a week once I return to Melbourne.

Take it sleazy.


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