Saturday, November 7, 2009

Upcoming dates and plans

This is your life, and it's ending one second at a time. I suggest you act accordingly. Take some time to tell your mom, dad, family and loved ones you love them. It's one of those funny things that you can never do too much and somehow never seem to do enough. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

I re-read that book Siddhartha by Herman Hesse in between writing papers. There's a part of the character's life called Sansara, where he is young and sinful, and believes that temporal and physical pleasures are supreme. I don't want to get into a tangential discussion on it but I think that's kind of where my life is. It will end soon enough, I'm sure, but I'm not even 21 yet so I think now is the time to live it up, for if I don't now I never will.

Friday the 13th: Australia Now paper due, Terrorism Final, French party
Monday the 16th: Global Movements paper due, depart for Great Ocean Road
16th-19th: Great Ocean Road Surf Trip Extravaganza, complete with a beach house and our own car.
20th-28th: Keep it real/say bye to Melbourne, and various day surfing trips
28th Nov-Dec 4th-Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef
Dec 5th-18th SOUTH NEW ZEALAND!!!
Dec 18th (yes I go back in time)-Dec 23rd-Los Angeles, Santa Monica and friends
Dec 23-??? Home for the Holidays, like a good boy. I'll be gaining weight, playing video games, and playing in the snow.
Jan 26-Turn 21, head straight for Las Vegas, NV

Last week I made remarkable progress on my APBP paper, meaning I had some time to enjoy one of my last weekend in Melbourne. Friday night I went out to the Swedish party, but missed the pre party because I fell asleep, dreaming in the Springtime heat of a wonderful Friday afternoon. Swedish party was awesome. I met Matteo and Benoit there and at some point we all made the decision to take off our shirts while dancing, which was a choice I'm guessing I suggested, seeing as I still think it was a great idea.

That night I checked something off of my list of things to do before I die. Great success.

Saturday was free Slurpee day at 7-11 so I spent the day going back and forth and indulging, and even took a trip with some friends to get some pizza. I got my own large and it was my lunch and dinner.

During the evening I met an interesting fellow named Sebastian. Sebastian is from Singapore, is extremely obsessed with Americana, Manhattan, Wall Street, and yuppie culture. He constantly told me he thought I was very intelligent, met the American-created standard of tall, dark, handsome, and said that he wanted to be my friend. I was glad to talk to the guy for free, and I offered him a puff of my hookah that I was smoking on my patio at the RMIT. He obliged, then insisted that I let him buy me beer so he could "pick my brain." Admittedly, I had nothing else to do, so I in turn obliged him, and he picked up a six pack of Heineken and a six pack of Guinness, a beer I haven't had since back home.

The night carried on with us talking Politics, Economics, and American society. I have to say out of all the people I've met here Sebastian (Seabass, as we've taken to calling him), is the most interesting. He wants to smoke hookah again next week, and I can't wait to see where his strange conversation takes me next.

Sunday I put the wraps on my first paper and started my pubs essay for Australia Now, which is due Friday. It is now Monday and I have 5 of 10 sources and 1011 of 2500 words. Easy stuff.

On Sunday I was fortunate enough to see the Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. I won't bore you with the plot or what I thought of it, but SEE IT. Seriously. Go see it now.

I'm sorry I have no pictures right now. Next week I'm hitting the Great Ocean Road with the guys and I'll have plenty of show and tell for that post. This is my most work intensive week, so give me a break.

You wanna know who I really am? Yeah, so do I...

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