Sunday, November 1, 2009

What can I say?

After Halloween, everything starts fading, and I go down like the sun.

I KNEW I had to spend Halloween with Americans, and I knew Australia simply wouldn't get it. Even so, I have to say that I had no idea what I was getting into joining Carly and Kate on a trip to Sydney. We had such a legendary time I have to say it was one of my best weekends I've spent since I've been here. Sydney is expensive, but worth every penny.

Sydney was a charm....and then some. I went with Kate and Carly from Oxy, two very pretty very lively very fun girls if you don't know them. Can I just say I forgot how much I love American women at times? I made it a point to meet international people for the longest time and to really go out and meet different people, but sometimes a trip with two people from your same school that agree with you and can relate on so many levels is just refreshing and fun. I'll get into that more in a bit.

When we first got to the hostel we booked, Carly wasn't amused. She made it clear, and convinced us to leave, get a refund, and find a better hostel in a better location (originally we were in Kings Cross down a sketch alley in a dirty place). Rather than show indifference and settle for shit, she made it a point to find something better...something I admire. Not only that, but our new hostel was only a bit more expensive, across the street from Central Station, and infinitely better.

The first day we hit the Sydney aquarium, and got food at an Indonesian restaurant. I'll apologize in advance because Carly and Kate took most of the photos, so once I steal some of theirs off of Fbook I'll post them and do the trip justice. The few pictures I took are somewhat disappointing, but I'll show you the ones that are acceptable. We fell asleep early that night, due to the fact that we woke up at 5AM to make an early flight out.

This is a shot of Carly and Kate on the train riding to the Blue Mountains. We played countless rounds of "would you rather...", made fun of the way Australians say "No," and "Don't." They have this terrible accent where they add an R to their vowels, making it sound more like "Norr" and "Dorrrnt." Plus we went on for hours about Oxy, South Park, and food and cheap alcohol that we missed.

Friday we went to the Blue Mountains and saw the three sisters. Here they are. Nothing spectacular, but one of the monuments worth seeing in Sydney.

After the Blue Mountains, we came back and went out to a really cool German restaurant called Lowenbrau. Mispelled that one without a doubt, but it was Oktoberfest there and we tried a bunch of the German Beers, served by waitresses in traditional German garb. Kate and or Carly got some shots of it, so I'll throw some up later.

Saturday, Halloween, we went to Bondi Beach and enjoyed the weather. One thing Sydney beats the shit out of Melbourne for are the beaches. My god they made me jealous. Sydney is also much more metropolitan, larger, and more expensive. It's kind of like Melbourne's gold plated older brother. Here's a shot I snuck of the girls at the beach, enjoying the weather and preparing for a legendary booze cruise that night aboard a ship that left from Darling Harbour, circled the Opera House, went under the Sydney Harbor Bridge, and didn't disappoint in the least. I warned you, these are some hot American women.

Pictures of the booze cruise, our trio Christmas costume, and the Opera House and bridge will come when the ladies post the pictures and I can steal them. I know, my pictures are lame, but I do what I can.

At the end of the booze cruise, Kate went so hard she was passed out on the ship. Carly was extremely worried, holding her and petting her, and couldn't find her pulse and started weeping. Being a lifeguard for 4 or 5 odd years...who counts anymore...I found her pulse in a second and tried to calm Carly down a bit. Kate was fine, just very very drunk. I've been drinking with Kate since early college, the first week or so literally, and I know that she's a champion. Still, we had to carry her home and Kate got extremely surly, in a very funny cute way, which just made me laugh. We made our way back and I carried Kate up the steps to our hostel, with her mumbling, "I can do it myself!" I love Kate McCallum.

Sunday we checked out of our hostel and went to the opera house, the bridge, and caught a ferry to Manly Beach. I'll fill in more details but right now it is 1:30 AM on Monday and I'm extremely tired. Tomorrow I start my Art/Pornography/Blasphemy/Propaganda final paper and I'm going to need eight solid to make it happen.

Again, the love life remains a silent issue for the sake of saving face and avoiding the fall from grace, but I'll remind you that November never stays this warm to me.

Peace and much love from a very happy Daniel.

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