Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life happens fast

Okay I'm sick of thinking and talking about the party camp, but I promised some pictures so let's make this quick. Above you see Kenny (so funny when people hear him talk and his thick Irish accent slaps them in the face), Zander, Jonathan from Sweden, myself, and Pat. We brought a taste of American fun to the camp with the game wizard staffs, where you drink beer and each one you finish you save and tape to the previously consumed beers. Over time, it lengthens into a staff and once that staff is taller than you are you can cast spells on the non wizards and make them do your bidding. In this particular case once we all hit wizard status we destroyed our staffs and sang songs around the campfire. Great fun.

The week carried on as normal, although I have to start thinking about assignments which is no fun at all really. Wednesday night a drunken someone came knocking at my door demanding kisses, but other than that I can't say anything remarkable happened. Thursday even sucked, and Terrorism lecture was so boring/useless I left halfway through to finish my reading for the Tutorial I had in a few hours. The Swedes breathed new life into my week by throwing the aptly dubbed "Inga Party," where they played a number of songs repeatedly, namely Inga from Sweden's songs. Inga from Sweden is a presumably Swedish girl who sings original pop songs in English with an exaggerated Swedish accent. Her electronic beats and simple seductive lyrics are extremely catchy, so beware. Mom, show this link to CJ-I think he would appreciate it. Her XXXmas isn't pornographic, although the name might imply that it is.

Friday we went surfing and Zander and I had a great day. Caught some good 3-4 foot waves and rode three or four in clean. Just phenomenal. Zander had to head back early to make a dinner date so Chris and I stayed out a bit longer, only to get completely pummeled by 6 to 8 foot waves. Way out of our league. Sometimes it's good to get your ass kicked, though. Reminds you to respect the ocean and her majestic power. A guy let us shower off and store our stuff in a locker for free and his dog was named Jack, which made me nostalgic for the times I'd gone swimming with my own dog Jack. The guy gave us some pointers on how to control our surfing and for that critical moment with the bigger waves that I'm eager to try. After hitting go to noodle, we made our way back.

My camera broke so I bought a new one at Target. It's a Samsung 10.2 MP with a zoom and the works you would want from a point and shoot cam. I'm looking into getting a casing for it and hopefully I can use it as my personal camera for underwater diving. We'll see. Here are some shots of the RMIT village I took while dicking around on it.

Here's the fountain. I have a waking view of it and its the symbolic center of the village, although due to the weather nobody really hangs out there. Maybe once spring hits. This is the view from my balcony, which is really a patio since I have a ground floor room. Below is the pool area. I haven't used it yet but the rumor is that it's heated. Come Spring time this will be essential, although I'm sure it will be overrun. Sadly it closes during night so raging pool parties will have to be kept to afternoons, which is perhaps for the best.

On the agenda for this week is making a case for the novel and film American Psycho as a satire on Reagan's America, which I am more than prepared to do after reading the book and studying American politics in depth. I also have to write a 1500 word essay for Australia Now on the Bra Boys surf/gang documentary I watched and incorporate Australian cultural themes into it. I started yesterday and have two sources and 600 words, so no worries on that. Otherwise I have the normal shitload of reading, so I have to keep on keepin on. Sadly my grades do transfer over so A's are a must if I want a good Law School to pick me up in the future. Thus far it's been mostly play and no work, so nose to the grindstone is probably a mode I should work myself back into. Catch up with y'all next week.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I can't say why...

...but I have this insatiable urge to light firecrackers off. Better yet, I'd love to get some with the waterproof fuses and throw them into a pond and watch them slowly sink out of sight, then moments later explode and with a flash and the smallest pop, dampened by the water, fade into nothingness.

The weather here is pissing me off. One minute it's nice the next it's terrible.

Today everyone was drinking for prosh week but I honestly don't have the time for that shit. I've got to read the entire American Psycho book, prepare an oral presentation and lead the class in it, and then write 1500 word essays for two classes for back to back incoming Fridays.

I can't bring myself to focus enough to complete my readings for tomorrow. I'll have to do them during the day. Every now and again I get carried aloft on daydreams I can't escape. I need to backpack through Tasmania. I need to find a cheap flight to Sydney. I could care less about Australian culture as an academic study or the larger, more profound consequences of the pernicious effects of neo liberalism in the modern world right now. I want to dive again, to identify species of marine life, and to know that what I'm doing resonates with who I am and what I believe in. The academic life is so detached from reality it sickens me at times. I need to know that what I'm studying isn't just filling my head with hot air, useless information, or more trivial information that I'll only value or hold onto (for that matter) until the next exam or paper is written.

Now if you'll excuse me there's a bottle of vodka I pocketed from the MUSEX camp in my freezer with my name on it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The MUSEX Party Camp

Words can't really do justice to the time spent at camp MUSEX, so I won't try to crystalize my experience or the miscellany of different feelings I have after the weekend. I can. however, list some of my personal highlights (if only to help myself remember the smaller details for the years to come).

I especially liked the bus ride over-they did it lightning style so we had to constantly change seats and sit next to different people while drinking goon and hoping our bladders didn't burst. I met some great new people and somehow, with a shot of random luck, I wound up sitting next to the special birthday girl herself. Fortune favors lovers at opportune times I suppose. We were both very jovial and happy and would sneak a few kisses in before arriving at our destination a few minutes later.

Strangely enough, on the bus ride back four of us "vagrants" would sit on the back of the bus, kill two boxes of goon, and I would have no choice but to break an empty bag open with my teeth, cover myself with my North Face shell and piss in the empty goon bag. I would later drop it off when we took an official pee break alongside the road.

The first night was fun-the Toga party. I realized how spoiled I am hailing from California-all the girls there are fucking experts at making togas. I mean seriously I've been to at least a dozen of those damn parties and the only two I've gone to here I've had to stumble my way through making my own toga, only to have it come undone and eventually fall off. I wasn't in the highly populated cabin which made me sad but the birthday girl moved her stuff to share a bed with me and we got to keep each other warm throughout both nights. Late night talks sure get into strange realms after firewater has warmed up your veins and altered your brain chemistry.

Did I mention the birthday girl kept falling down? One time while she was walking with me, hurting her ankle pretty bad. Poor thing.

Saturday was....well I'll just say it was amazing. Four of us went on a country hike throughout the West Gippsland countryside. The trees were in bloom with yellow flowers and contrasted with the natural greens of the grass and leaves alongside the tree's bark and the crystal clear sky I must admit I haven't seen anything so beautiful since I was in Colorado early last summer (still this summer in the N. Hemi). After that we got back to drinking and played wizard staffs. More on that soon when I can steal some pictures friends took...The night wrapped up well with a community bonfire and drunken singing-mostly between the American and Swedish males, though sometimes the larger crowd would join in. Towards the end of what would be my night one of the MUSEX (musex is the club that made it all possible) guys approached me and asked if I liked the girl standing across from me on the other side of the fire. In the orange amberglow of the fire I had to admit she was pretty and she seemed a bit older and was Australian-two definite pluses. Even so, I told myself I was going to be a good boy and focus on the one beautiful girl I already had waiting asleep in our bed for me and I respectfully declined. As long as I maintain presence of mind, even when trashed, I can keep things under control. Plus let's face it-I have a lot to lose and throwing it away on a single thrill isn't what I'm trying to do. I wouldn't regret my decision-I shared one of the warmest nights and greatest talks I've had in quite some time....perhaps in forever...and the night came to a close.

Sunday we drank.

I mean DRANK. We killed a bunch of goon on the bus ride back, hit up Hungry Jack's (the Australian Burger King), and went to see Inglorious Basterds. Quite the film, I must admit.

Unfortunately I spent too much time drinking to buy food so I had to eat noodles and butter for dinner for lack of anything else. OH and I left a bunch of shit at the camp so I have to replace things like contact solution, a towel, shave gel, etc. These things are replaceable but the cost adds up quick, so I'll have to get on being more responsible.

I'll add more pictures soon I promise. Until then keep it real...and don't believe the hype; Tupac lives.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Promises mean everything when you're little and the world is so big...So please enjoy this lonely sky with me-it'll swallow us whole (if we only let it).

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I almost forgot about the Cowboys and Indians party. Normally I'm all about the Indians thanks to Tribal House but for once I figured I'd swap sides and I went with the desperado (as best I could). Mike next to me shaved a cowboy mustache into his beard and fucked it up but left it anyway. What a guy. Manuel and Elise are also deep in the mix.

Out with the crew one night. From left Miranda, Christina (the Frumpus), myself, Richard, Fleur, Manuel, and Nick. Can't remember exactly where we are or what we're doing...

Here's a shot of myself and Filip walking and talking at the St. Kilda beach. Turned out to be a pretty exciting weekend hanging out at the Swedish colony.

Here's a shot of a bunch of us out surfing at Torquay. This one is for mom. I'm with Alex on the left, Dom, Nick and another guy whose name I've forgotten are resting.

This is a fat kangaroo I took a picture of at the zoo. I wasn't sure how to post pictures corectly but Miranda showed me how so you can expect a lot more of this kind of action from here on out. Also she cooked for me again =)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Another Week

Well it's been a rather interesting week. Sunday Miranda was nice enough to cook us dinner and we watched Little Miss Sunshine while enjoying a nice meal together. On Monday we helped Matteo with an assignment he had for a class and in return he cooked us dinner! I kept getting free dinners, life couldn't be better. Tuesday I realized that my Bank of America account was acting funny when I saw large purchases being made in St. Louis Missouri. First of all I've never been to St Louis and I'm rather certain that I can safely say I am not buying anything there, so I had to call the bank and cancel my card and get a new one sent out. Luckily its all getting reimbursed and I have an American Credit Union account and an Australian bank account so money isn't extremely inaccessible.

Did I mention I had a good phone conversation with my mom? It's amazing how good it is to hear her voice and have her give me advice. Her primal knowing is supreme and her concise and simple guiding wisdom will never cease to amaze me. I told her to rub my dog's belly for me. I hope she did.

Wednesday carried on and faded into Thursday, my last day of classes for the week.

Thursday night included a nice walk on Lygon st, coffee, some good talks, and some nice kisses on the 12th floor of a student living accommodation. Most importantly it provided a chance to talk and get feelings and thoughts out without clouded thoughts or lusty liquor love getting in the way. I must say the arrangement we came to has me quite happy and I feel as though we will continue to get to know each other better and continue to strive to create something wonderful together-short as our time here together may be it truly is a chance we will only have onc- and something about sparkling brown eyes a bright smile and the feeling she gives me makes me happy.

As I said it was good to feel the pure true happiness someone can give you as opposed to cheap thrills or liquor love. At one point she asked me if I was bothered by her Finnish/English language barrier and her inability to fully articulate her thoughts. I gave it some thought and realized that in fact that is what makes me find her as interesting as I do. It makes her unique in that she and I talk about the simple pure things we like. We talk about dogs, sunsets, beaches, foods, drinks, friends, and the simple things in life that I realized I cherish the most. She's not there to tell me about some strange and complex theory she is learning about in class like everyone else seems to want to tell me. She's just there for me to look in the eyes smile at and kiss and enjoy. For now that is the happiness I need, and she is the one that gives it to me. Simple and happy. If only everything were that way.

Not to mention it's the special girl's birthday next weekend and we are going on a weekend long camping trip. But enough about that, we'll worry about the present for now and let the future, which is forever shrouded in uncertainty, play itself out.

Friday I went to the gym and worked my body out harder than I had in quite some time. I did one of the workouts we would do before the city track meet, one where you push yourself in the weight room and on the track and you hate yourself for it the next day. My joints are still sore, telltale signs of old bones cracking. I suppose I really am aging, although its not always a bad thing. Friday afternoon I went with my Swedish friend Filip to the St. Kilda beach and then to Chapel St. There was a good place that had a $5 pizza special so we hit that up. Afterwards I met up with some kids at the village and hit up the goon and drinking games. We got surprisingly drunk playing various card games and then hit up Workshop, a rather nifty sort of bar just down Elizabeth st. On the way there I had a charming chat with an Englishmen about contemporary politics between the US and UK. He had a rather insightful way of putting the Bush era as "Bush said jump, Blair said 'how high?'" that I found amusing. I would buy one jug at Workshop, share it among friends, and call it good. cutting down on drinking has helped me feel a lot better, but sometimes you just have to go for it.

Miranda and Emmi both texted me from the surf camp. It's funny to hear the two ways in which they perceived it differently. Miranda said I should have been there, the surf was small but good, and the people are pretty dece. Emmi told me about how badly she struggled and how she wished I was there to see the stars. Like I said the simple things that make me happy.

We'll see about tonight, just living by the moment currently. Hopefully my job hunt will prove sucessful. Until next time. Take it sleazy my people.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Era of Sobriety

I'm trying this new thing where I don't go out and piss my money away in pubs. I gotta tell you it's pretty great. Last night there was some party at Turf next door that I refused to attend. Instead I took care of some great things that I'd been meaning to look into for a while now. I've found some awesome new beaches, made my plans for my time in New Zealand, and caught up with a friend I hadn't seen in a while. Not having a phone makes it easier for me to just let go of everything and everyone and just do things that I want to do without others influencing me to go out or do this or do that. I'm not saying that I always want to be this way, but it's certainly a nice change for a week. You can get caught up in the scene so quickly that before you know it the time here has passed you by and all you've done is go out drinking and wasting your time away on cheap thrills in pubs that always give you the same scene. At any rate, it's nice to be able to take a step back and let things slow down for a bit. Not drinking has been great as well. After surfing twice I thought I'd be sore but without drinking I've gone to the gym and gone on two long runs this week already, and I must say it certainly is revitalizing to have your lungs breathe open air.

Today I have one more tute in Art/Pornography/Blasphemy/Propaganda and quite frankly I could care less about it. I really should go but I think I might skip it. The reading was on masturbation and how people define the obscene differently. No offense, but NO SHIT. The tutorial will likely be extremely boring and circular like always, and I think I need a week off from that bullshit. But hey tomorrow is Thursday and despite having a considerable amount of classes I have classes I like then Friday I get to go back to the ocean and retrieve my phone as well as grab some more waves at Torquay beach. Hopefully the surf will be as perfect as last Sunday, but I won't get my hopes too high.

Still not missing the states too much, though I do miss friends, family, and I think about my dog Jack everyday. No matter how well traveled you become you always miss the things that mean most to you. I suppose that is what makes them the things worth holding on to.

Soon I'll print out the resume I made and make an actual effort at getting a job. Whenever I ask they tell me to bring a resume. Maybe the North Face outlet on Elizabeth st will pick me up? Fingers crossed. Who knows, things could work out. I'm not terribly desperate for a job, although I would like to go skydiving in NZ and I could always use some more spending cash for trips and meals.

I'll report back after the surf weekend. Until then love and peace.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Realization

Yesterday (Sunday Aug 9) we took a full day to surf. This would be the second day of the weekend we gave to surfing. This time we had a crew rather than just 3 of us. Alex, Chris from Philly, Nick, two guys I'd never seen before, and Dom joined the party for our latest excursion. We hit up Torquay Surf Club Beach and caught some amazing waves. More important to me while we were out getting thrown around by the mighty Pacific was the new realization I came to. Between sets I sat there on my board and just watched the ocean. I watched the way it moved and the way the majestic but powerful waves formed and crashed down on surfers ready to give them ride after ride on the foamy white water break or the curling cascade of sapphire. Sacrosanct to any other perspective I've taken on how I am living my life I suddenly realized that I could happily spend all my money this semester on trips like this. I looked to the shore to see some of the newer surfers we brought out getting pounded by waves to come to the surface with enormous grins on their faces.

I had this conversation time and time again but I will gladly forego drunken nights in pubs and random meaningless kisses with the Australian girls I run into for two trips a week to the south pacific to hone my skills and taste the salt of the sea. Furthermore, the girl I've been interested in hasn't made any progress towards telling me what she wants other than she is still confused. If she hasn't made up her mind by now I can't do anything else but move on and let it go. That's the point I'm nearly at. I spend far too much of my life chasing girls-if this one doesn't work out then it's time to realize that it wasn't meant to be and another girl just isn't the answer right now. It's time for me to be free and release from my old ways and think about how I want to change my life.

In three of my classes now I've studied philosophers and artists who say you are to live your life like a work of art, to try to find the beauty in art and reflect that in your worldy actions. Combining reality and the celestial etheral worlds like this truly is an art, and I'm finally understanding how I might be able to abide by this ethos. A girl that goes out drinking all the time and has a drunken self and a sober self-the two being like night and day in comparison-isn't going to help that. One minute she kisses you telling you to stop looking so good and the next she is running off doing something similar with someone else. When she's sober she won't stop texting or messaging you and it quickly becomes a headache. A decision has to be made or I'm just going to have to put an end to this because its completely unacceptable. Further, I don't want to be the kind of person that went to Australia and only got drunk and did things he could have in Los Angeles. It's time for me to grab my semester abroad by the horns and make what I really want out of it.

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi-
So passes the Glory of the World.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Funny ass text

Someone sent me a text that I can't get over. It was Thursday night during the re Goon-ion and I was in Billboard's when I received the following
"Hey goon might at my plc! Come. Gonna got fucked aussie style wit goon."

The next morning when I asked who it was I received no response. LOL

+61433268926, whoever you are, I salute you for your wonderful texting skills

Anglesea Slideshow

Can't slow down

My my what a week its been. We kicked off the week on Monday when Ben's friend Lee came from Deakin U across the city to party it up around our parts of the city. I went out with the Aussie crowd but was quickly joined by Miranda and a Canadian girl (her name currently escapes me). At public bar they had a drink special night where you could buy jugs of beer for really cheap but the catch was that there was a cover charge at the door, a long line, and the beer was mediocre at best. Even so, it was a pretty good time. Plus we saw an unfortunate looking stalky readheaded girl wearing what looked like a terrible wig skulking around the bar. Before we knew it she had pounced and was straddling a guy and they were really going at it. We laughed pretty vocally and would later go home to write it down in our wall calendars that it was the night the two dudes hooked up. The night progressed on and we had some laughs and fun at Public Bar and then moved on, thinking we were going home, only to stop by Turf (the pub right next door to the village) to see how the scene was. Turns out, it was crackin (of course). Before I knew it, I was sipping Camille's Long Island Iced Tea, ordering a few mixed drinks myself, and dancing like a fool with random women. Some guy that apparently likes Miranda also asked who I was, apparently thinking I am actually her boyfriend...little does he know we only say that to avoid people we don't like hitting on us or to get me into clubs.

Then came the real highlight of the night. As we were leaving, Miranda said she was going to the restroom. We waited....and waited...and waited some more. After what seemed like a short eternity we made the decision to head home thinking Miranda had left without us seeing. As we would later find to our great surprise and better amusement, it turns out Miranda passed out sitting in the mens bathroom...what a champ.

Tuesday night I stayed in and did homework (this is the part you should read, mom)

Wednesday came and went and I found myself sitting in my room watching some TV ready for a quiet night (you won't ever see that in the states), and who showed up at my door but Christina "The original Frumpus" Brown and Miranda. They both said they wanted to use my internet but they never used it so I'm guessing they just wanted to see me and felt they needed an excuse. Silly girls. Well turns out they convinced me to head out to PA's with them and I couldn't think of any better way to kick off the night than with some mother fuckin goon. Red faced and excited, we headed out to PA's. Nothing too worthy of mention happened-typical drinking and dancing scene. After that we went to get some late night food and Camille and I had a mutual epiphany; we both love Home Alone 2. We quoted that and our other favorite 90s Hollywood films all the way home while Miranda and Rory jealously walked carrying out awkward conversation while feeling left out.

Thursday was the Re-goon-ion. I missed the dinner because I was busy as all hell with trying to keep my life together and clean my damn room. We went to Billboard's, which was a pretty solid spot despite the fact that you had to pay $10 to get in and a lot of guys weren't allowed in. Luckily I was with my girlfriend Miranda and the bouncer let me in. The club was dark and lit by bright neon lights and featured electronic music. I had a shot with Filip and the Swedes and talked with some kids I hadn't seen in a while then made my way to the dance floor. From there the details fade in and out but I remember going back for a Jack and Coke....OH...and I remember all the Europeans had a strange fascination with my mesh baseball hat. Many girls and guys took it and put it on other people's heads and I was told by a certain someone that it looked good. Afterwards I caught a cab back with Miranda and Camille and then we went to Camille's to eat her leftovers. Immediately after we went to Miranda's room to eat more leftovers. Ending the night with two pretty California blondes that feed you is never a bad thing.

Woke up today (Friday) at 8:00 AM to get ready. Had to catch a 9:00 train at Southern Cross Station. By noon we were around Anglesea and it took us a while to sort out buying wetsuits and boards. We knew the shop from Miranda's roomie-turns out her dad, Bruce, owns the shop. Let me say that Bruce is the most generous amazing man in the world and he knows his shit when it comes to all things surf related. Not to mention he is the friendlies most laid back person in the world since he is also Australian. Bruce hooked us up with top of the line wetsuits from ripcurl-I'm talking seam sealed pro edition wetsuits-and boards for screaming prices. To top it off, we haven't even paid for the wetsuits yet because he had to get to the footy game and had to take off before we could pay him.

Did I mention he gave us a ride to the Anglesea beach to let us have a surf? Unfortunately the rip tide was insane and relentless-like no sets just messy evil waves that hit you like the bitter sting of winter wind and don't stop for the world. That aside, we had a phenomenal time and rode some white water when we got the chance. The wetsuits kept us more than warm...they are fucking nice. Did I mention that? Chris took a board to the mouth and wound up gashing his lip with his tooth from the impact. Bled alot but the doc said no stitches necessary. After that we got a ride with Bruce and his family to the bus stop. On the way there he offered Zander and myself a beer. What a guy. After being dropped off we got some noodles at the Go To Noodle in Bells Beach while waiting for the bus. I'll post the picture of the sign. HELLA asian. Like they barely spoke English. Still the most amazing food after a hard day of getting your ass kicked by the majestic South Pacific.

Taking a much needed night off tonight. Received a nice text and some loving so I'm updating this blog drinking some coffee and falling asleep hoping the bags under my eyes will go away. So for tonight I'm being super lame and ducking under covers and wincing at the first sign of the light.

Looking back I wrote this post extremely simple-no flowery poetic words or attempts to be creative. But thats what this week was-it was just fucking real. All the experiences are just what I say they are and they don't need to be talked up with the vocabulary a liberal education has given me. Peace easy.

Saturday, August 1, 2009