Friday, August 14, 2009

Another Week

Well it's been a rather interesting week. Sunday Miranda was nice enough to cook us dinner and we watched Little Miss Sunshine while enjoying a nice meal together. On Monday we helped Matteo with an assignment he had for a class and in return he cooked us dinner! I kept getting free dinners, life couldn't be better. Tuesday I realized that my Bank of America account was acting funny when I saw large purchases being made in St. Louis Missouri. First of all I've never been to St Louis and I'm rather certain that I can safely say I am not buying anything there, so I had to call the bank and cancel my card and get a new one sent out. Luckily its all getting reimbursed and I have an American Credit Union account and an Australian bank account so money isn't extremely inaccessible.

Did I mention I had a good phone conversation with my mom? It's amazing how good it is to hear her voice and have her give me advice. Her primal knowing is supreme and her concise and simple guiding wisdom will never cease to amaze me. I told her to rub my dog's belly for me. I hope she did.

Wednesday carried on and faded into Thursday, my last day of classes for the week.

Thursday night included a nice walk on Lygon st, coffee, some good talks, and some nice kisses on the 12th floor of a student living accommodation. Most importantly it provided a chance to talk and get feelings and thoughts out without clouded thoughts or lusty liquor love getting in the way. I must say the arrangement we came to has me quite happy and I feel as though we will continue to get to know each other better and continue to strive to create something wonderful together-short as our time here together may be it truly is a chance we will only have onc- and something about sparkling brown eyes a bright smile and the feeling she gives me makes me happy.

As I said it was good to feel the pure true happiness someone can give you as opposed to cheap thrills or liquor love. At one point she asked me if I was bothered by her Finnish/English language barrier and her inability to fully articulate her thoughts. I gave it some thought and realized that in fact that is what makes me find her as interesting as I do. It makes her unique in that she and I talk about the simple pure things we like. We talk about dogs, sunsets, beaches, foods, drinks, friends, and the simple things in life that I realized I cherish the most. She's not there to tell me about some strange and complex theory she is learning about in class like everyone else seems to want to tell me. She's just there for me to look in the eyes smile at and kiss and enjoy. For now that is the happiness I need, and she is the one that gives it to me. Simple and happy. If only everything were that way.

Not to mention it's the special girl's birthday next weekend and we are going on a weekend long camping trip. But enough about that, we'll worry about the present for now and let the future, which is forever shrouded in uncertainty, play itself out.

Friday I went to the gym and worked my body out harder than I had in quite some time. I did one of the workouts we would do before the city track meet, one where you push yourself in the weight room and on the track and you hate yourself for it the next day. My joints are still sore, telltale signs of old bones cracking. I suppose I really am aging, although its not always a bad thing. Friday afternoon I went with my Swedish friend Filip to the St. Kilda beach and then to Chapel St. There was a good place that had a $5 pizza special so we hit that up. Afterwards I met up with some kids at the village and hit up the goon and drinking games. We got surprisingly drunk playing various card games and then hit up Workshop, a rather nifty sort of bar just down Elizabeth st. On the way there I had a charming chat with an Englishmen about contemporary politics between the US and UK. He had a rather insightful way of putting the Bush era as "Bush said jump, Blair said 'how high?'" that I found amusing. I would buy one jug at Workshop, share it among friends, and call it good. cutting down on drinking has helped me feel a lot better, but sometimes you just have to go for it.

Miranda and Emmi both texted me from the surf camp. It's funny to hear the two ways in which they perceived it differently. Miranda said I should have been there, the surf was small but good, and the people are pretty dece. Emmi told me about how badly she struggled and how she wished I was there to see the stars. Like I said the simple things that make me happy.

We'll see about tonight, just living by the moment currently. Hopefully my job hunt will prove sucessful. Until next time. Take it sleazy my people.

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