Friday, August 7, 2009

Can't slow down

My my what a week its been. We kicked off the week on Monday when Ben's friend Lee came from Deakin U across the city to party it up around our parts of the city. I went out with the Aussie crowd but was quickly joined by Miranda and a Canadian girl (her name currently escapes me). At public bar they had a drink special night where you could buy jugs of beer for really cheap but the catch was that there was a cover charge at the door, a long line, and the beer was mediocre at best. Even so, it was a pretty good time. Plus we saw an unfortunate looking stalky readheaded girl wearing what looked like a terrible wig skulking around the bar. Before we knew it she had pounced and was straddling a guy and they were really going at it. We laughed pretty vocally and would later go home to write it down in our wall calendars that it was the night the two dudes hooked up. The night progressed on and we had some laughs and fun at Public Bar and then moved on, thinking we were going home, only to stop by Turf (the pub right next door to the village) to see how the scene was. Turns out, it was crackin (of course). Before I knew it, I was sipping Camille's Long Island Iced Tea, ordering a few mixed drinks myself, and dancing like a fool with random women. Some guy that apparently likes Miranda also asked who I was, apparently thinking I am actually her boyfriend...little does he know we only say that to avoid people we don't like hitting on us or to get me into clubs.

Then came the real highlight of the night. As we were leaving, Miranda said she was going to the restroom. We waited....and waited...and waited some more. After what seemed like a short eternity we made the decision to head home thinking Miranda had left without us seeing. As we would later find to our great surprise and better amusement, it turns out Miranda passed out sitting in the mens bathroom...what a champ.

Tuesday night I stayed in and did homework (this is the part you should read, mom)

Wednesday came and went and I found myself sitting in my room watching some TV ready for a quiet night (you won't ever see that in the states), and who showed up at my door but Christina "The original Frumpus" Brown and Miranda. They both said they wanted to use my internet but they never used it so I'm guessing they just wanted to see me and felt they needed an excuse. Silly girls. Well turns out they convinced me to head out to PA's with them and I couldn't think of any better way to kick off the night than with some mother fuckin goon. Red faced and excited, we headed out to PA's. Nothing too worthy of mention happened-typical drinking and dancing scene. After that we went to get some late night food and Camille and I had a mutual epiphany; we both love Home Alone 2. We quoted that and our other favorite 90s Hollywood films all the way home while Miranda and Rory jealously walked carrying out awkward conversation while feeling left out.

Thursday was the Re-goon-ion. I missed the dinner because I was busy as all hell with trying to keep my life together and clean my damn room. We went to Billboard's, which was a pretty solid spot despite the fact that you had to pay $10 to get in and a lot of guys weren't allowed in. Luckily I was with my girlfriend Miranda and the bouncer let me in. The club was dark and lit by bright neon lights and featured electronic music. I had a shot with Filip and the Swedes and talked with some kids I hadn't seen in a while then made my way to the dance floor. From there the details fade in and out but I remember going back for a Jack and Coke....OH...and I remember all the Europeans had a strange fascination with my mesh baseball hat. Many girls and guys took it and put it on other people's heads and I was told by a certain someone that it looked good. Afterwards I caught a cab back with Miranda and Camille and then we went to Camille's to eat her leftovers. Immediately after we went to Miranda's room to eat more leftovers. Ending the night with two pretty California blondes that feed you is never a bad thing.

Woke up today (Friday) at 8:00 AM to get ready. Had to catch a 9:00 train at Southern Cross Station. By noon we were around Anglesea and it took us a while to sort out buying wetsuits and boards. We knew the shop from Miranda's roomie-turns out her dad, Bruce, owns the shop. Let me say that Bruce is the most generous amazing man in the world and he knows his shit when it comes to all things surf related. Not to mention he is the friendlies most laid back person in the world since he is also Australian. Bruce hooked us up with top of the line wetsuits from ripcurl-I'm talking seam sealed pro edition wetsuits-and boards for screaming prices. To top it off, we haven't even paid for the wetsuits yet because he had to get to the footy game and had to take off before we could pay him.

Did I mention he gave us a ride to the Anglesea beach to let us have a surf? Unfortunately the rip tide was insane and relentless-like no sets just messy evil waves that hit you like the bitter sting of winter wind and don't stop for the world. That aside, we had a phenomenal time and rode some white water when we got the chance. The wetsuits kept us more than warm...they are fucking nice. Did I mention that? Chris took a board to the mouth and wound up gashing his lip with his tooth from the impact. Bled alot but the doc said no stitches necessary. After that we got a ride with Bruce and his family to the bus stop. On the way there he offered Zander and myself a beer. What a guy. After being dropped off we got some noodles at the Go To Noodle in Bells Beach while waiting for the bus. I'll post the picture of the sign. HELLA asian. Like they barely spoke English. Still the most amazing food after a hard day of getting your ass kicked by the majestic South Pacific.

Taking a much needed night off tonight. Received a nice text and some loving so I'm updating this blog drinking some coffee and falling asleep hoping the bags under my eyes will go away. So for tonight I'm being super lame and ducking under covers and wincing at the first sign of the light.

Looking back I wrote this post extremely simple-no flowery poetic words or attempts to be creative. But thats what this week was-it was just fucking real. All the experiences are just what I say they are and they don't need to be talked up with the vocabulary a liberal education has given me. Peace easy.

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