Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Era of Sobriety

I'm trying this new thing where I don't go out and piss my money away in pubs. I gotta tell you it's pretty great. Last night there was some party at Turf next door that I refused to attend. Instead I took care of some great things that I'd been meaning to look into for a while now. I've found some awesome new beaches, made my plans for my time in New Zealand, and caught up with a friend I hadn't seen in a while. Not having a phone makes it easier for me to just let go of everything and everyone and just do things that I want to do without others influencing me to go out or do this or do that. I'm not saying that I always want to be this way, but it's certainly a nice change for a week. You can get caught up in the scene so quickly that before you know it the time here has passed you by and all you've done is go out drinking and wasting your time away on cheap thrills in pubs that always give you the same scene. At any rate, it's nice to be able to take a step back and let things slow down for a bit. Not drinking has been great as well. After surfing twice I thought I'd be sore but without drinking I've gone to the gym and gone on two long runs this week already, and I must say it certainly is revitalizing to have your lungs breathe open air.

Today I have one more tute in Art/Pornography/Blasphemy/Propaganda and quite frankly I could care less about it. I really should go but I think I might skip it. The reading was on masturbation and how people define the obscene differently. No offense, but NO SHIT. The tutorial will likely be extremely boring and circular like always, and I think I need a week off from that bullshit. But hey tomorrow is Thursday and despite having a considerable amount of classes I have classes I like then Friday I get to go back to the ocean and retrieve my phone as well as grab some more waves at Torquay beach. Hopefully the surf will be as perfect as last Sunday, but I won't get my hopes too high.

Still not missing the states too much, though I do miss friends, family, and I think about my dog Jack everyday. No matter how well traveled you become you always miss the things that mean most to you. I suppose that is what makes them the things worth holding on to.

Soon I'll print out the resume I made and make an actual effort at getting a job. Whenever I ask they tell me to bring a resume. Maybe the North Face outlet on Elizabeth st will pick me up? Fingers crossed. Who knows, things could work out. I'm not terribly desperate for a job, although I would like to go skydiving in NZ and I could always use some more spending cash for trips and meals.

I'll report back after the surf weekend. Until then love and peace.

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