Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Realization

Yesterday (Sunday Aug 9) we took a full day to surf. This would be the second day of the weekend we gave to surfing. This time we had a crew rather than just 3 of us. Alex, Chris from Philly, Nick, two guys I'd never seen before, and Dom joined the party for our latest excursion. We hit up Torquay Surf Club Beach and caught some amazing waves. More important to me while we were out getting thrown around by the mighty Pacific was the new realization I came to. Between sets I sat there on my board and just watched the ocean. I watched the way it moved and the way the majestic but powerful waves formed and crashed down on surfers ready to give them ride after ride on the foamy white water break or the curling cascade of sapphire. Sacrosanct to any other perspective I've taken on how I am living my life I suddenly realized that I could happily spend all my money this semester on trips like this. I looked to the shore to see some of the newer surfers we brought out getting pounded by waves to come to the surface with enormous grins on their faces.

I had this conversation time and time again but I will gladly forego drunken nights in pubs and random meaningless kisses with the Australian girls I run into for two trips a week to the south pacific to hone my skills and taste the salt of the sea. Furthermore, the girl I've been interested in hasn't made any progress towards telling me what she wants other than she is still confused. If she hasn't made up her mind by now I can't do anything else but move on and let it go. That's the point I'm nearly at. I spend far too much of my life chasing girls-if this one doesn't work out then it's time to realize that it wasn't meant to be and another girl just isn't the answer right now. It's time for me to be free and release from my old ways and think about how I want to change my life.

In three of my classes now I've studied philosophers and artists who say you are to live your life like a work of art, to try to find the beauty in art and reflect that in your worldy actions. Combining reality and the celestial etheral worlds like this truly is an art, and I'm finally understanding how I might be able to abide by this ethos. A girl that goes out drinking all the time and has a drunken self and a sober self-the two being like night and day in comparison-isn't going to help that. One minute she kisses you telling you to stop looking so good and the next she is running off doing something similar with someone else. When she's sober she won't stop texting or messaging you and it quickly becomes a headache. A decision has to be made or I'm just going to have to put an end to this because its completely unacceptable. Further, I don't want to be the kind of person that went to Australia and only got drunk and did things he could have in Los Angeles. It's time for me to grab my semester abroad by the horns and make what I really want out of it.

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi-
So passes the Glory of the World.

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