Sunday, August 23, 2009

The MUSEX Party Camp

Words can't really do justice to the time spent at camp MUSEX, so I won't try to crystalize my experience or the miscellany of different feelings I have after the weekend. I can. however, list some of my personal highlights (if only to help myself remember the smaller details for the years to come).

I especially liked the bus ride over-they did it lightning style so we had to constantly change seats and sit next to different people while drinking goon and hoping our bladders didn't burst. I met some great new people and somehow, with a shot of random luck, I wound up sitting next to the special birthday girl herself. Fortune favors lovers at opportune times I suppose. We were both very jovial and happy and would sneak a few kisses in before arriving at our destination a few minutes later.

Strangely enough, on the bus ride back four of us "vagrants" would sit on the back of the bus, kill two boxes of goon, and I would have no choice but to break an empty bag open with my teeth, cover myself with my North Face shell and piss in the empty goon bag. I would later drop it off when we took an official pee break alongside the road.

The first night was fun-the Toga party. I realized how spoiled I am hailing from California-all the girls there are fucking experts at making togas. I mean seriously I've been to at least a dozen of those damn parties and the only two I've gone to here I've had to stumble my way through making my own toga, only to have it come undone and eventually fall off. I wasn't in the highly populated cabin which made me sad but the birthday girl moved her stuff to share a bed with me and we got to keep each other warm throughout both nights. Late night talks sure get into strange realms after firewater has warmed up your veins and altered your brain chemistry.

Did I mention the birthday girl kept falling down? One time while she was walking with me, hurting her ankle pretty bad. Poor thing.

Saturday was....well I'll just say it was amazing. Four of us went on a country hike throughout the West Gippsland countryside. The trees were in bloom with yellow flowers and contrasted with the natural greens of the grass and leaves alongside the tree's bark and the crystal clear sky I must admit I haven't seen anything so beautiful since I was in Colorado early last summer (still this summer in the N. Hemi). After that we got back to drinking and played wizard staffs. More on that soon when I can steal some pictures friends took...The night wrapped up well with a community bonfire and drunken singing-mostly between the American and Swedish males, though sometimes the larger crowd would join in. Towards the end of what would be my night one of the MUSEX (musex is the club that made it all possible) guys approached me and asked if I liked the girl standing across from me on the other side of the fire. In the orange amberglow of the fire I had to admit she was pretty and she seemed a bit older and was Australian-two definite pluses. Even so, I told myself I was going to be a good boy and focus on the one beautiful girl I already had waiting asleep in our bed for me and I respectfully declined. As long as I maintain presence of mind, even when trashed, I can keep things under control. Plus let's face it-I have a lot to lose and throwing it away on a single thrill isn't what I'm trying to do. I wouldn't regret my decision-I shared one of the warmest nights and greatest talks I've had in quite some time....perhaps in forever...and the night came to a close.

Sunday we drank.

I mean DRANK. We killed a bunch of goon on the bus ride back, hit up Hungry Jack's (the Australian Burger King), and went to see Inglorious Basterds. Quite the film, I must admit.

Unfortunately I spent too much time drinking to buy food so I had to eat noodles and butter for dinner for lack of anything else. OH and I left a bunch of shit at the camp so I have to replace things like contact solution, a towel, shave gel, etc. These things are replaceable but the cost adds up quick, so I'll have to get on being more responsible.

I'll add more pictures soon I promise. Until then keep it real...and don't believe the hype; Tupac lives.

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