Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life happens fast

Okay I'm sick of thinking and talking about the party camp, but I promised some pictures so let's make this quick. Above you see Kenny (so funny when people hear him talk and his thick Irish accent slaps them in the face), Zander, Jonathan from Sweden, myself, and Pat. We brought a taste of American fun to the camp with the game wizard staffs, where you drink beer and each one you finish you save and tape to the previously consumed beers. Over time, it lengthens into a staff and once that staff is taller than you are you can cast spells on the non wizards and make them do your bidding. In this particular case once we all hit wizard status we destroyed our staffs and sang songs around the campfire. Great fun.

The week carried on as normal, although I have to start thinking about assignments which is no fun at all really. Wednesday night a drunken someone came knocking at my door demanding kisses, but other than that I can't say anything remarkable happened. Thursday even sucked, and Terrorism lecture was so boring/useless I left halfway through to finish my reading for the Tutorial I had in a few hours. The Swedes breathed new life into my week by throwing the aptly dubbed "Inga Party," where they played a number of songs repeatedly, namely Inga from Sweden's songs. Inga from Sweden is a presumably Swedish girl who sings original pop songs in English with an exaggerated Swedish accent. Her electronic beats and simple seductive lyrics are extremely catchy, so beware. Mom, show this link to CJ-I think he would appreciate it. Her XXXmas isn't pornographic, although the name might imply that it is.

Friday we went surfing and Zander and I had a great day. Caught some good 3-4 foot waves and rode three or four in clean. Just phenomenal. Zander had to head back early to make a dinner date so Chris and I stayed out a bit longer, only to get completely pummeled by 6 to 8 foot waves. Way out of our league. Sometimes it's good to get your ass kicked, though. Reminds you to respect the ocean and her majestic power. A guy let us shower off and store our stuff in a locker for free and his dog was named Jack, which made me nostalgic for the times I'd gone swimming with my own dog Jack. The guy gave us some pointers on how to control our surfing and for that critical moment with the bigger waves that I'm eager to try. After hitting go to noodle, we made our way back.

My camera broke so I bought a new one at Target. It's a Samsung 10.2 MP with a zoom and the works you would want from a point and shoot cam. I'm looking into getting a casing for it and hopefully I can use it as my personal camera for underwater diving. We'll see. Here are some shots of the RMIT village I took while dicking around on it.

Here's the fountain. I have a waking view of it and its the symbolic center of the village, although due to the weather nobody really hangs out there. Maybe once spring hits. This is the view from my balcony, which is really a patio since I have a ground floor room. Below is the pool area. I haven't used it yet but the rumor is that it's heated. Come Spring time this will be essential, although I'm sure it will be overrun. Sadly it closes during night so raging pool parties will have to be kept to afternoons, which is perhaps for the best.

On the agenda for this week is making a case for the novel and film American Psycho as a satire on Reagan's America, which I am more than prepared to do after reading the book and studying American politics in depth. I also have to write a 1500 word essay for Australia Now on the Bra Boys surf/gang documentary I watched and incorporate Australian cultural themes into it. I started yesterday and have two sources and 600 words, so no worries on that. Otherwise I have the normal shitload of reading, so I have to keep on keepin on. Sadly my grades do transfer over so A's are a must if I want a good Law School to pick me up in the future. Thus far it's been mostly play and no work, so nose to the grindstone is probably a mode I should work myself back into. Catch up with y'all next week.

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