Monday, August 24, 2009

I can't say why...

...but I have this insatiable urge to light firecrackers off. Better yet, I'd love to get some with the waterproof fuses and throw them into a pond and watch them slowly sink out of sight, then moments later explode and with a flash and the smallest pop, dampened by the water, fade into nothingness.

The weather here is pissing me off. One minute it's nice the next it's terrible.

Today everyone was drinking for prosh week but I honestly don't have the time for that shit. I've got to read the entire American Psycho book, prepare an oral presentation and lead the class in it, and then write 1500 word essays for two classes for back to back incoming Fridays.

I can't bring myself to focus enough to complete my readings for tomorrow. I'll have to do them during the day. Every now and again I get carried aloft on daydreams I can't escape. I need to backpack through Tasmania. I need to find a cheap flight to Sydney. I could care less about Australian culture as an academic study or the larger, more profound consequences of the pernicious effects of neo liberalism in the modern world right now. I want to dive again, to identify species of marine life, and to know that what I'm doing resonates with who I am and what I believe in. The academic life is so detached from reality it sickens me at times. I need to know that what I'm studying isn't just filling my head with hot air, useless information, or more trivial information that I'll only value or hold onto (for that matter) until the next exam or paper is written.

Now if you'll excuse me there's a bottle of vodka I pocketed from the MUSEX camp in my freezer with my name on it.

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