Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Be careful of what you do, because the lie becomes the truth

At last I've hit catharsis. My hands are clean, and my heart is quiet and calm.

The past few days cooled off...for a bit. Monday and Tuesday I dedicated myself to reading up and becoming a master of Radical Islam and the Islamist movement as a Global Trend. I am to present in class on it and then write a paper on it for my Global Movements class. The entire week has been gloomy and rainy, so I guess I couldn't ask for better weather if I have to remain indoors anyway. I got the chance to skype with Robb finally, and we talked about the finer things in life. Women, home, operation Eurotrashed 2010, parties, crazy people we've met, and odds and ends and ins and outs. Apparently our last night in town he and I got thrown out of a bar, although neither of us seem to remember this happening. Who knows.

By Wednesday I was so studied out that after class I texted Zander to see if he wanted to practice some goon pong with me. He obliged, and we complied a playlist of good music to play to for the next weekends to come, which are sure to be full of goon pong when while we all still have time. Here's a shot of Zander and Damo, an RA, drinking goon and enoying the rainy Wednesday afternoon.

The day continued and the sun fell. Before I knew it, we were going to Etihad Stadium to watch the Socceroos play Oman. On the way, we picked up Subway for dinner and grabbed a tram. I hadn't validated and the tram security came on, threatening me with a very expensive ticket. I validated, and spoke very quickly and kept making excuses and somehow got off. I think one of my excuses literally was, "we JUST got Subway."

We were in the third row in behind a goal amidst a sea of yellow and green Socceroos fans. We got free flags and towels with our admission, which was pretty fucking great. Our team won 1-0. We went back and finished the night with more goon pong

Today I've continued my studies and I'll be going to my last tutorial of the week in Terrorism at 5:15. This weekend is going to be a study weekend as I have a class test, a presentation, and a paper that I'll need to complete for next week, along with my normal reading. I am debating taking one day off to surf on Friday or Saturday just to keep my sanity, but I'm not sure if I really can justify that after taking Wednesday afternoon/night off.

Did I mention Chris is coming with me to Cairns? We'll have sold our surf boards by then but we will still enjoy the wilderness and the sights in Cairns. In Byron all the travelers said that a ton of hostels have free dinners in Cairns, so I'm looking forward to finding the free food. My flight changed so I'll be flying out a few days before the live aboard diving ship I'm doing my research from departs, so we're gonna explore the jungle and see what we can find in and around Cairns. Chris is the man. Can't wait.

And Christina and Camille will be joining me in New Zealand! So much for traveling alone. Meh, the more the merrier. Below is Camille "Old Gregg" Hunter. She's awesome, and she goes to Oxy! I hadn't met her before I came down here but now she makes me laugh unlike anyone else.

And here's a shot of me and Christina the original frumpus penis goon Brown. Oldschool pic from the RMIT O week the second week I was out here. This is when things were first heating up and we were raging super hard....Oh wait nothing's changed. Christina and I both enjoy dirty dancing, strange youtube and internet videos, and continuing ridiculous tangential nonsensical conversations. She's as sunny and funny as the California sun.

Still trying to squeeze in trips to Sydney and maybe spend a week in November on the Great Ocean Road, camping and hitting surf spots if that's possible. If anyone actually reads this and wants to make one of those happen let me know. Hopefully I can make it all happen before 2010 hits. I guess we'll see.

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