Monday, October 5, 2009

An ode to 3:38 in the morning....

Tonight Dan Frannson got punched in the face and it was a complete atrocity. It was Deb's 21st at Crown and man things got wild in the casino club. I danced with a girl, Carolina (care oh lean uh-not care oh line uh), and she and I wound up kissing. She was a great kisser, too. She told me she was born in Argentina then moved to Melbourne. She had the look and her hips moved like she was South American, but even if she was lying I don't mind. She was very pretty. One guy in my same cab home even commented on how girls that pretty don't normally give it up that easily.

Seriously though I can't be happier. This girl came into my life, danced with me, kissed me, took my number, and said she'd call me if she was looking for a good time. Given my circumstance I'd say this is exactly what I need. To my friends back home, this is officially the first Australian girl I've hooked up with. The good ones seriously are hard to find, but if you look long enough you're sure to find. The best part is if I don't see her again life goes on and I'm sure neither of us will mind much. If it does, the mutual attraction and two fired-up personalities hopefully can.

Well now it's 3:42 and I have class at 10:00 in the AM. Australia Now! Woohoo! Better see all you hippies there!


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