Sunday, October 11, 2009

I have become a never-ending swirl of American Sin.

The past week has been a complete blur. I've done huge things every night, let go of all inhibitions or worries, and begun to really just enjoy my life again. Last I updated was Tuesday, but Wednesday we kept things goin and Chris and I headed out to our friend Dom's house near Brunsick street where we got up to the usual, I passed out from being so tired, and called it a night. Thursday I went larger than life, wound up dancing with my friend then somehow switching to another girl...think I kissed her for a bit, but not sure how long. She asked me to walk her home, which I obliged, and during the long walk I sobered up a bit and realized what she was up to. Not knowing her name and not particularly interested I left her on the porch in front of her house-which was by the way completely out of my way, meaning I had to walk for a good 35 minutes alone to get home....whatever, though.

Friday was even more insane. I woke up, curled up in my bed and brought my laptop up to catch up on the 3rd Season of Deadwood, my current favorite HBO series-more so than the Sopranos or Entourage (call me crazy, I know), and suddenly Zander and Chris show up on my patio. Before I knew it, Zander and I were playing 1 on 1 goon pong to practice for the tournament. One thing lead to another and we played for a good two hours, at which point we took an intermission to head to the Royal Park and play some dizzy bat, where you fill a bat (in this case a cricket bat) up with a beer, chug it, and then spin for however long you took to drink the bat. After the spin, the pitcher pitches the now empty beer can to you and you do your best (with a 90% fail rate) to hit the can. So much fun. Dizzy bat shown below.

We went back, had dinner, and got ready for the night. We went to Club 118, Alex and Sam (two solid dudes from Tufts in Boston live there) and continued the goon pong and the moustache game. Oh and we made party hats for the night.

That's Zander and I (the unstoppable goon pong duo) looking tough and training for the goon pong tournament, soon to be held at RMIT.

After that we went out for Sarah's birthday. First to a place where the guys couldn't get in. Likely because we were belligerent but with them saying we were underdressed. When I'm wearing $200 le coq sportif shoes, $150 A&F jeans (I know I need to leave it in high school but a good pair of jeans is hard to find), $50 Tommy Hilfiger boxers, a $75 Ralph Lauren Polo, my nicer Nixon watch, and a peacoat my father bought me as a gift I hardly think they can justify not letting me in. Sorry for the materialistic bullshit but anyone that has read American Psycho can appreciate it.

Picture break! Below see me, Kara, Francesca and Laura in my room during goon pong Sat night...I'll get to Sat in a bit.

So we went to another club...called the joint on Elizabeth. We spent the better part of the night there, dancing and drinking beer and finding full beers people left behind.

The rest of the night will remain a private matter

But seriously enough of that. I haven't even told you about Saturday or today (when I went surfing and got some homework done) and I'm going to have to get back to you on that.

Just so you know that I'm not completely wasting my time on partying I'll post a slideshow of Toquay surfing.

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