Friday, October 23, 2009

Can I just say... annoying it is when someone comes up to you and mentions your previous romantic engagement, and says, "OH I hear you dated such and such and blah blah blah." Now before I run away with slanderous rage and lose my initial point I want to clarify. I'm not mad at the girl, nor am I mad at myself. And I'm certainly not mad with the way things ended, for I've learned to treat even the harshest splits as a blessing in disguise (early college taught me that). Also, it's not a particular girl or a particular time. This has happened since my first serious girlfriend in highschool and I split and I don't really see people acting like this stopping...unfortunately. In any case, I'm simply mad at the fuckass that suddenly thinks he/she has something to say to me when I really don't know this person at all. Whatever happens between me and a girl is OUR business and not yours, so I'd appreciate it if you stopped thinking you knew what went on between us and while you're at it stop thinking anything in my life has any resonance with your pitiful existence. If we weren't friends, the fact that you suddenly know that I was involved with someone and it ended does not change a fucking thing between us. Seriously, it's inappropriate and immature. It's something I abstain from and it's a common courtesy that SHOULD BE understood within the mores of social grace, yet somehow people still don't get it. Or maybe they just need to get a fucking life of their own?

And its really fucked up because the primordial human response is to grind that person's face into the ground. Unfortunately, I can never do that. Now I'm a nice guy and a person that tries really hard to keep his cool, but sometimes idiots really set me off. Sometimes I wish I was a Roman Centurion and I could run someone through with a sword in the name of the Republic, or at least knock their teeth out so they think about what they say/do.

Instead, the best thing you can do is describe how you've moved on, be it to another girl, to finding another form of happiness, or to whatever it is that sets you apart from those mother fucking blood suckers. In my case, I've found a new infatuation with a girls that look a certain way, with dark hair, tan skin, and light eyes (surprise, surprise). Not another word on that, though. Yet still, that doesn't quite satisfy the urge to physically shut someones fucking mouth.

If y'all don't like me you can suck my dick till you numb it.

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