Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bright Skies and Sunshine

I'm in love with everything again.

This morning I called 555 on my phone and I have $27 worth of call credit and $479 worth of prepaid SMS text credit.

It's been a good day. Yesterday my presentation went well, and I felt a huge weight had been lifted. Walking home my feet felt lighter and it was almost as if I was floating on the ground from Grattan to Royal Parade then home across the treacherous roundabout where Flemington Rd meets Elizabeth and Peel St. I felt like I was moving like a surefooted apparition.

Miranda cooked for me again, and her room was full of women. Bianca, her pretty Australian roommate was there (incidentally I bought my board from her dad's surf shop), Bianca's friend was there, and our Canadian friend Caitlin was there, too! Caitlin is one of the funniest girls I've met here and she's extraordinarily well traveled. She is coming surfing with me on Friday. I chatted up the girls a bit and got the attention of Alex, Kenny, Andy, and John directly above her room to gain a recess of man time with them. As I was standing on the balcony, I looked in and saw Miranda sitting on her bed. Reading her body language-cross legged, back straight, eyes patiently fixed on me, I sensed that she wanted me closer. I hadn't REALLY spent time with Miranda in a while, and I felt it too, so I went to her. I laid my head in her lap and talked with her a bit. She ran her hand through my hair once, which I wish she had done more, but the caress of a female friend's hand is a feeling that I feel will never get old. Looking back, head still in her lap, I reached my hand up and felt her small jaw line and where her hair meets her ear. I hadn't noticed until then but her figure is extraordinarily feminine. I can't explain why I did it, but it felt ever so sweet. There is something absolutely unarmingly pure about a close affectionate friendship that remains and endures, untainted by selfishness and sexual pleasures of the body.

We warmed up the night around the village with the usual, then made our way to Eurotrash.

Surprisingly, I saw a number of people I knew at Eurotrash. A good number of the American girls from the RMIT village were there, many of the Europeans I met during the Melbourne Welcome and honestly haven't seen since were there, and I went with a good number of people in my group as well. My old friend, Matteo, was there, and he and I spent the night together dancing and enjoying ourselves. Matteo has a certain indescribable energy to his personality that mine plays off of. Our characters seem to feed off each other, fueling intensity and keeping things interesting. He more than anyone makes me anxious for my visit to Europe, for I feel places like Spain and Italy will suit me well, thanks to people like him. I really need to start making time for the people that I enjoy more, for the extra effort will pay off in the end.

At any rate, he and I went up to the higher floor in Eurotrash for some air and met some nice Aussie girls. Upon talking to them, we quickly realized they were 18 and 17. Both of us cutting one year off our actual ages, we told them we were 19 and 21. After a bit of a chat, they pulled us on to the dance floor, with the 17 year old taking me by the hand and leading the way. So high school. Before I knew it, against my will, this girl was grinding on me like a rabbit in heat. Not wanting anything of that sort, and thinking that it's actually quite illegal, (I'm no expert on the Australian legal system but it is illegal in most states) I broke up that noise pretty quickly. The night went on more or less uneventfully from there, but man it was good to see Matteo again and be out raging with him. At one point it was he and I and a harem of these young random Aussie girls we met dancing and he and I were having a blast just laughing at how funny life can be sometimes.

Today I had a tutorial at 10 AM. Somehow I was fine, despite getting home around 4:00 AM last night. I went to my second tutorial around 1:15 and by 1:30 I'd made the decision to tell the tutor that I had to leave in order to catch a flight. A white lie, but I've spoken enough (as I normally do) and I hadn't read the assigned reading nor had I made the lecture due to my first two days of intense work this week.

Skipping out on that, I went to a really cool park with Chris. It's full of statues and monuments and shrines.
Above is a picture in a women's shrine in a pool with water trickling down it. The atmosphere was so pleasant that Chris and I just sat there in silence for a delayed moment, deep in spiritual reverie.

Below I've attached a photo of the Sidney Myer statue. Sydney Myer was a pretty cool dude. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be made into a statue. Then I wonder what age I'd be in the statue. Then I stop wondering.

Here is the Perpetual Flame of the Shrine of Remembrance, donated by Queen Elizabeth II herself. Something about the idea of a perpetual flame is deeply spiritual to me, though I am too dull, or perhaps too naive, or perhaps a combination of both, to synthesize what I mean by that into words that satisfy me.
Tonight Camille is cooking me dinner. Lately I find myself thanking my lucky stars. Catch up with you in a bit.

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