Monday, October 5, 2009

First and foremost, in my enlightening sobriety, I would like to apologize for my previous post and the way I portrayed my fling as some sort of cheap call girl. When I say that she said she'd call me she rather implied that, and I paraphased that sentence. The encounter really wasn't that skanky-I just used poor diction and had an altered perspective due to Deb's 21st and a night of dancing and drinking in a high class, top-floor suite at the Crown.

So let's take some time to tell you about my friends. Long overdue, but I wanted to really have something to say. Lately my closest female friend has been Miranda Emanuel, a sunny California girl proudly hailing from Santa Cruz. I remember visiting Santa Cruz and liking the carnival and arcade set up on the beach, and enjoying the UC's campus as well. That must have been 2005 I went there? My, my, how time does fly. At any rate, here is a picture of the little skankatropolis in all her glory

She's pretty lovely, I know. Miranda I never tell you how pretty you are, I know, but that's because we're friends and I think it might be inappropriate, but for once I'd like to take the chance to tell you how beautiful I think you are. The most remarkable thing is that she is CONSTANTLY assumed as my girlfriend. This has happened almost immediately from the beginning of the semester, as we became friends during the welcome and have remained tight throughout the duration of our Australian semester abroad, thanks to us living together and her strange enjoyment derived from cooking me meals. In Byron Bay all the guys I met also asked if she was my girlfriend, which I suppose I can understand as we were two young free spirits from California traveling together. I've been saved from fat girls hitting on me at Eurotrash (what did I expect at a place called Eurotrash, I know) by her playing my girlfriend, and I've been granted entry into Billboard's thanks to her posing as my girlfriend. While I"m not one to ever rule that out entirely I'm basically positive we're so far in the friend zone that the line separating friends from all else is a blur. In the beginning we toyed with the idea, and I think we both had open minds and thought something might be in the cards, but we quickly realized that we were better serving as close friends (maybe best friends?) and so friends we stayed.

Plus losing her as my gym buddy, female opinion, end of every joke, girl that feeds me, everything else in between, and foregoing my position where I hear all the juicy stories and gossip normally saved for the circle of girls isn't really worth throwing away....Did I mention she surfs? Quite the little woman, I know. Also she's my little bro.....she's gonna be mad about me posting this pic but I only ever promised to keep it off facebook. Her she and I are scoping the wreck during one of the off days in Byron Bay.

Love you Miranda, my little skankatropolis. I'm glad we're friends.

The weather today is shit. It's Spring it needs to be warm. I'm upset.

New Friend update soon!!

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